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To fetch longform News content, make sure the request is set to: displayOutput=full
apiKey to be passed as token in query parameter.
Specify return format.
, application/xml (deprecated)
Query Parameters
Page offset. For optimization, performance and technical reasons, page offsets are limited from 0 - 100000. Limit the query results by other parameters such as date.
Number of results returned.
x <= 100
Specify headline only (headline), headline + teaser (abstract), or headline + full body (full) text
, abstract
, headline
The date to query for news. Shorthand for date_from and date_to if they are the same
Date to query from point in time. Sorted by published date
Date to query to point in time. Sorted by published date
The last updated Unix timestamp (UTC) to pull and sort by
The last published Unix timestamp (UTC) to pull and sort by
Allows control of results sorting. Default is created, DESC.
Sort Fields
- id
- created
- updated
Sort Order Direction
- asc (ascending)
- desc (descending)
, id:desc
, created:asc
, created:desc
, updated:asc
, updated:desc
One or more ISINs separated by a comma. Maximum 50.
One or more CUSIPs separated by a comma. Maximum 50. License agreement required.
One or more ticker symbols separated by a comma. Maximum 50.
One or more channel names or IDs separated by a comma
One or more words/phrases separated by a comma; searches Title, Tags, and Body in order of priority.
One or more authors separated by a comma
One or more content types separated by a comma
The unique identifier of the article. This identifier is also found in the path of url on
The author of the article. This could be a Benzinga journalist, news desk analyst or contributor on
The moment the article is created. The time zone is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) - 4:00, commonly know as Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). This time stamp will not change. The date format standard used is RFC 2822 / RFC 1123.
The timestamp of the last update to the article. The time zone is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) - 4:00, commonly know as Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). This time stamp has the ability to change one or many times, updating each time an update is pushed to the article. The date format standard used is RFC 2822 / RFC 1123.
The headline of the article. This will only be plain text.
Depending on where the content is originated from ( or Benzinga Pro Terminal) the teaser functions in different ways. If the article is a full length article from, where the body field is filled out, this will be the first sentence of the article up to 256 characters. If this is a Benzinga Pro headline, this will function like the body of an article and provide additional context to the headline, usually no more than a few paragraphs. This field can contain html and html encoded characters such as '"' etc.
The article content. This field can contain html and html encoded characters such as 'quot' etc.
The url where the article lives on If this is a pro headline, it will take the user to a shortened headline with a paywall to purchase the Benzinga Pro terminal, so use with caution.
The featured image related to the article, if applicable. Benzinga Pro headlines will not contain a featured image.
The topic(s) or categories that relate to the article. Channels can have sub-channels, but they will all be listed as their own item and not as a sub-level of the array.
For Why is it Moving (WIIM) data, enter WIIM
as channel.
The stock symbols that are listed within the article body. This will not display competitor symbols unless they are specifically referenced in the article.
Additional tags that are not channels or categories, but are reoccuring themes including, but not limited to; analyst names, bills being talked about in Congress (Dodd-Frank), specific products (iPhone), politicians, celebrities, stock movements (i.e. 'Mid-day Losers' & 'Mid-day Gainers').
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