GET Option Activity
Returns option activity signals
Specifies return format. Query parameters work the same for both formats.
, application/xml (deprecated)
Query Parameters
Page offset.
Number of results returned. Limit 1000
Date to query for data. Shorthand for date_from and date_to if they are the same. Defaults for latest.
Date to query from point in time.
Date to query to point in time.
One or more ticker symbols separated by a comma.
One or more ids separated by a comma.
Records last Updated Unix timestamp (UTC). This will force the sort order to be Greater Than or Equal to the timestamp indicated.
0.0 = 100% trades were at the bid, 1.0 = 100% of trades were at the ask. The value can exceed 1.0 or 0.0 because trades can be executed above or below the current bid or ask at the time.
Cost outlay of the entire sweep or block option trade
The date the signal was created
Expiration date of the option
A human readable description of the signal. This description may updated at any time without notice
Unique ID of this signal shared across all signal types
Midpoint price at the time of trade, or last trade in case of a sweep
Current open interest
Type of unusual option.
Option symbol
Indicates PUT or CALL
Indicates whether the trade or sweep was bullish or bearish (i.e., how near the bid or ask it was exected at)
Total order size (either of the 1 trade, or the sum of trade sizes for a sweep)
Strike price of the option
Ticker Symbol (F, MSFT, etc...)
The time the signal was created
Number of trades involved in the sweep or trade. Always 1 when optionActivityType = TRADE. Always > 1 when optionActivityType = SWEEP
Security type of the underlying symbol
Last updated timestamp, UTC.
Day volume
Ask price at the time of trade, or last trade in case of a sweep. Field is available based on vendor and exchange agreement.
Bid price at the time of trade, or last trade in case of a sweep. Field is available based on vendor and exchange agreement.
An extended human readable description of the signal that may include exchange restricted fields. This description may updated at any time without notice. Due to its inclusion of restricted fields, description_extended is available based on vendor and exchange agreement.
Exchange (NYSE, NASDAQ, etc...)
Price in relation to the Bid/Ask.
Last price of a trade, or last price of last trade in a sweep. Field is available based on vendor and exchange agreement.
Price of the underlying security. Field is available based on vendor and exchange agreement.
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